Top 5 React chart libraries

You're faced with many challenges when it comes to data visualisation projects, the biggest being deciding whether to build charts from scratch or using a pre-existing library, but we're going to focus on the latter in this post because choosing which library is right for the project, out of the many on offer, can be daunting.

We've compiled a shortlist of the best five we've come across (in no particular order):

1. Nivo Rocks

Nivo offers a wide variety of flexible data visualisation components all of which are built on top of the D3 and ReactJs libraries.

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  • Great styling and functionality customizability without having to touch the code

  • User-friendly documentation

  • Supports transitions and animations

  • Entirely scalable SVG charts

  • Server-side rendering API

2. React-Vis

React-Vis is a simple but flexible set of composable charts supported by the good people at Uber.

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  • Active devs making updates regularly

  • Lightweight simple charts

  • Easy to use documentation

  • Composable visualisation

  • Large variety of charts

3. Victory

Victory developed by Formidable is a range of React modular charting and data visualisation components. 


  • Supports animations, Zooming, and transitions

  • Has all the basic charts and is a good basis to build custom charts off

  • Supports events on actions

  • Flexible documentation

4. Recharts

The most well known on this list is Recharts, a super simple and well-built library of composable charts built on React components.

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  • Very Lightweight

  • SVG charts

  • Reliable and loved by developers clearly shown by its 9000+ Git stars

  • Composable

  • Extensive documentation

5.ChartJS (React wrapper)

React-chartjs-2 is a wrapper for Chartjs an already well developed JS library that has all the essential charts and more.


  • Configurable to your needs

  • Simple and easy to get working

  • A large variety of chart types


Ahmed - Designer at Overloop